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Our Products

Exactly Matched to Your Needs

No matter your welding requirement, CLOOS offers a welding solution that is ideally suited for your application needs and production demands.

From manual to automated welding machines, highly configurable compact cells and systems to fully customized line automation, with CLOOS, you can weld all types of materials in a wide range of thicknesses with complete confidence.

Welding Equipment
(Manual & Automated)

CLOOS welding power sources offer the versatility to handle manual welding to automated robot welding, thin or thick materials.
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Cobot Welding System

ArcBoT cobot welding system makes welding efficient and productive.
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Configured Systems
(Cells & Systems)

CLOOS Compact Cells and Compact Systems are customized automated welding units, pre-engineered for easy assembly and installation and ready-to-weld for fast deployment.
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ExperT Modular System

CLOOS QIROX ExperT is a modular component kit for compact systems and cells and robot applications.
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Custom Systems & Line Automation

For the ultimate customized welding solution, we offer custom engineering services.
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We consult with you to design and build your system and remain with you through installation, startup, training, and technical support for the long term.

Need help with a custom solution?